24 June 2010

Downtown Couples Photoshoot

Part of our “final project”, if you will, was to go to downtown Shreveport and take photos of a couple. This is Chris and Sara, a soon-to-be-engaged couple who was willing to get dressed up and walk around with the paparazzi on a hot Sunday afternoon. It was my first time doing something like this so I’m really happy with they way the came out. I don’t really like people because it’s a lot of pressure to get that “One” shot. They were very open and understanding and I think Sara had done some modeling before; she definitely had the posing down.

22 June 2010

Our Gallery

Last Sunday was our Gallery at the church. It was a culmination of both our photography class as well that of the art class and a chance for us to display our works. I don’t think anyone but Perry displayed any photos taken during the class, but everyone’s photos came out very nicely. I got a little carried away and ended up printing out 13 8x10 photos, 12 of which I mounted on foam board and one I framed, with the intention of gifting it.

Well everyone gushed over my photos as they do and I tried to play humble as I do but as a Words of Affirmation person, I soaked it all up. Everyone one encouraged me to sell them (though no one offered to buy one) but I still have no idea how to go about doing that. I was tossing the idea of setting up a booth at one of the many crustacean related festivals around with Kristy. Who knows, we’ll see.

Because of the recent craziness I’ve been neglecting both of my blogs and I have a back log of photos to share. I’ll work on doing that in the next couple of days.