25 February 2010

The First One

So, this is that "web-logging" thing that's all the rage with kids these days. My wonderful wife has been blogging for sometime now and does enjoy it so. She's built quite a following discussing the things she loves; our kids, mothering, gardening, cooking/baking, and being "crunchy" in a Conservative way.

It's come to my attention recently that I'm artsy. That disturbs me to the core. Artsy people dress weird, talk weird, and are usually annoying to anyone who isn't artsy like them, e.i. me. But I took stock of my passions the other day. I love to cook, garden, play music (drums), I can tell the difference between salmon and pink (I'm so ashamed), I enjoy a good musical (preferably with hookers and rock music) and I love to take photos. That sounds pretty artsy to me. So this is my blog about the things I love, mainly photography with the others thrown in when I get an inclining.

The title is a reference to (besides Friends of course) the fact that every time I've created a blog, or online journal as I once referred to it, they don't usually go far beyond "the first one". I'm hoping this will be different, will have a purpose. I've been told that I take a good photo. I make my best attempt at it (hence the name) and see what comes out. I don't have much more training beyond a book I read and a 5 min crash course from a real photographer. That being said people have started asking ME for tips. Weird.

So that's my thought. I'll use this blog to chronicle my adventures in imagery, pass along any words of "wisdom" I am able to squeeze out of this tiny brain, and try and avoid annoying all my friends on Facebook with constant publishing of my latest photography attempt. I'll just annoy you!

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